Closures in Ruby
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    # CLOSURES IN RUBY     Paul Cantrell
    # Email: username "paul", domain name ""

    # I recommend executing this file, then reading it alongside its output.
    # Alteratively, you can give yourself an unreasonable Ruby test by deleting all
    # the comments, then trying to guess the output of the code!
    # (Naive HR departments, please do not use that idea as a hiring quiz.)

    # A closure is a chunk of code which meets three criteria:
    #     * It can be passed around as a value and
    #     * executed on demand by anyone who has that value, at which time
    #     * it can refer to variables from the context in which it was created
    #       (i.e. it is closed with respect to variable access, in the
    #       mathematical sense of the word "closed").
    # (The word "closure" actually has an imprecise meaning, and some people don't
    # think that criterion #1 is part of the definition. I think it is.)
    # Closures are a mainstay of functional languages, but are present in many other
    # languages as well. Scheme pioneered them; more recently Javascript, popularized
    # them. They enable all sort of cool stuff: they allow deferred execution and some
    # elegant tricks of style.
    # Ruby is based on the "principle of least surprise," but I had a really nasty
    # surprise in my learning process. When I understood what methods like "each"
    # were doing, I thought, "Aha! Ruby has closures!" But then I found out that a
    # function can't accept multiple blocks -- violating the principle that closures
    # can be passed around freely as values.
    # This document details what I learned in my quest to figure out what the deal is.

    def example(num)
      puts "------ Example #{num} ------"

    # ---------------------------- Section 1: Blocks ----------------------------

    # Blocks are like closures, because they can refer to variables from their defining context:

    example 1

    def thrice

    x = 5
    puts "value of x before: #{x}"
    thrice { x += 1 }
    puts "value of x after: #{x}"

    # A block refers to variables in the context it was defined, not the context in which it is called:

    example 2

    def thrice_with_local_x
      x = 100
      puts "value of x at end of thrice_with_local_x: #{x}"

    x = 5
    thrice_with_local_x { x += 1 }
    puts "value of outer x after: #{x}"

    # A block only refers to *existing* variables in the outer context; if they don't exist in the outer,
    # a block won't create them there:

    example 3

    thrice do  # note that {...} and do...end are completely equivalent
      y = 10
      puts "Is y defined inside the block where it is first set?"
      puts "Yes." if defined? y
    puts "Is y defined in the outer context after being set in the block?"
    puts "No!" unless defined? y

    # OK, so blocks seem to be like closures: they are closed with respect to variables defined in the
    # context where they were created, regardless of the context in which they're called.
    # But they don't look quite like closures in the code above because we aren't passing them around
    # as we would any othe value: "yield" can *only* refer to the block passed to the method it's in.
    # We can pass a block on down the chain, however, using &:

    example 4

    def six_times(&block)

    x = 4
    six_times { x += 10 }
    puts "value of x after: #{x}"

    # So do we have closures? Not quite! We can't hold on to a &block and call it later at an arbitrary
    # time; it doesn't work. This, for example, will not compile:
    # def save_block_for_later(&block)
    #     saved = &block
    # end
    # But we *can* pass it around if we use drop the &, and use instead of yield:

    example 5

    def save_for_later(&b)
      @saved = b  # Note: no ampersand! This turns a block into a closure of sorts.

    save_for_later { puts "Hello!" }
    puts "Deferred execution of a block:"

    # But wait! We can't pass multiple blocks to a function! As it turns out, there can be only zero
    # or one &block_params to a function, and the ¶m *must* be the last in the list.
    # None of these will compile:
    #    def f(&block1, &block2) ...
    #    def f(&block1, arg_after_block) ...
    #    f { puts "block1" } { puts "block2" }
    # What the heck?
    # I claim this single-block limitation violates the "principle of least surprise." The reasons for
    # it have to do with ease of C implementation, not semantics.
    # So: are we doomed, never to do anything wild and Lisp-like with closures?

    # ---------------------------- Section 2: Closure-Like Ruby Constructs ----------------------------

    # Despair not! When we pass a block ¶m, then refer to that param without the ampersand, that
    # is secretly a synonym for¶m):

    example 6

    def save_for_later(&b)
      @saved =  # same as: @saved = b

    save_for_later { puts "Hello again!" }
    puts "Deferred execution of a Proc works just the same with"

    # We can define a Proc on the spot, no need for the ¶m:

    example 7

    @saved_proc_new = { puts "I'm declared on the spot with" }
    puts "Deferred execution of a Proc works just the same with ad-hoc"

    # Behold! A true closure!
    # But wait, there's more.... Ruby has a whole bunch of things that seem to behave like closures,
    # and can be called with .call:

    example 8

    @saved_proc_new = { puts "I'm declared with" }
    @saved_proc = proc { puts "I'm declared with proc." }
    @saved_lambda = lambda { puts "I'm declared with lambda." }
    def some_method 
      puts "I'm declared as a method."
    @method_as_closure = method(:some_method)

    puts "Here are four superficially identical forms of deferred execution:"

    # So in fact, Ruby has no less than seven -- count 'em, SEVEN -- different closure-like constructs:
    #      1. block (implicitly passed, called with yield)
    #      2. block (&b  =>  f(&b)  =>  yield)  
    #      3. block (&b  =>    
    #      4.  
    #      5. proc  
    #      6. lambda    
    #      7. method
    # Though they all look different, some of these are secretly identical, as we'll see shortly.
    # We already know that (1) and (2) are not really closures -- and they are, in fact, exactly the
    # same thing. Numbers 3-7 seem identical. Are all 7 just different syntaxes for identical semantics?

    # ---------------------------- Section 3: Closures and Control Flow ----------------------------

    # No, they aren't! One of the distinguishing features has to do with what "return" does.
    # Consider first this example of several different closure-like things *without* a return statement.
    # They all behave identically:

    example 9

    def f(closure)
      puts "About to call closure"
      result =
      puts "Closure returned: #{result}"
      "Value from f"

    puts "f returned: " + f( { "Value from" })
    puts "f returned: " + f(proc { "Value from proc" })
    puts "f returned: " + f(lambda { "Value from lambda" })
    def another_method
      "Value from method"
    puts "f returned: " + f(method(:another_method))

    # But put a "return" inside a proc, and surprising things happen!

    example 10

    def g
      f(proc { return "Value from proc" })
      puts "Finished with g!"


    # Wait, what? A little more logging will make it clear:

    example 11

    def g
      result = f(proc { return "Value from proc" })
      puts "f returned: " + result  # never executed
      "Value from g"                # never executed

    puts "g returned: #{g}"

    # Note that the return inside the proc didn't just return from the proc -- it returned
    # all the way out of g, bypassing not only the rest of g but the rest of f as well! It worked
    # almost like an exception.
    # This means that it's not possible to call a proc containing a "return" when the creating
    # context no longer exists:

    example 12

    def make_proc_new
      begin { return "Value from" } # this "return" will return from make_proc_new
        puts "make_proc_new exited"

    rescue Exception => e
      puts "Failed with #{e.class}: #{e}"

    # (Note that this makes it unsafe to pass Procs across threads.)

    # A proc, then, is not quite truly closed: it depends on the context where it was created still
    # existing, because the "return" is tied to that context.
    # Not so for lambda:

    example 13

    def g
      result = f(lambda { return "Value from lambda" })
      puts "f returned: " + result
      "Value from g"

    puts "g returned: #{g}"

    # And yes, you can call a lambda even when the creating context is gone:

    example 14

    def make_lambda
        lambda { return "Value from lambda" }
        puts "make_lambda exited"


    # Inside a lambda, a return statement only returns from the lambda, and flow continues normally.
    # So a lambda is like a function unto itself, whereas a Proc remains dependent on the control
    # flow of its caller.
    # A lambda is Ruby's true closure.

    # Note that "proc" is in fact just a shortcut for "". Amusingly, or horrifyingly, this
    # was not always the case! In Ruby 1.8, "proc" was a synonym for ... "lambda".
    # Let's all raise a glass to compatibility-breaking language changes.

    # I'll spare you the rest of the experiments, and give you the behavior of all 7 cases:
    # "return" returns from caller:
    #      1. block (called with yield)
    #      2. block (&b  =>  f(&b)  =>  yield)  
    #      3. block (&b  =>    
    #      4.
    #      5. proc
    # "return" only returns from closure:
    #      6. lambda    
    #      7. method

    # ---------------------------- Section 3a: But...WHY? ----------------------------

    # Why on earth would we want a thing with this strange behavior? Because it makes Ruby’s loops
    # beautiful. Javascript developers using closure-based forEach constructs will be familiar with the
    # conundrum that Ruby’s blocks solve.
    # Suppose we want to write a Javascript function that efficiently checks whether the running sum of
    # numbers in an array ever exceeds some maximum:
    #   function isSumGreaterThan(array, max) {
    #     let sum = 0;
    #     for(let x of array) {
    #       sum += x;
    #       if(sum > max) {
    #         return true;  // Stop searching! We have our answer.
    #       }
    #     }
    #     return false;
    #   }
    # If we try to write this code with forEach(), which closely resembles Ruby’s each(),
    # the same approach suddenly breaks:
    #   function isSumGreaterThan(array, max) {
    #     let sum = 0;
    #     array.forEach((x) => {
    #       sum += x;
    #       if(sum > max) {
    #         return true;  // Oops! Doesn't work
    #       }
    #     });
    #     return false;
    #   }
    # The problem is that "return true" doesn’t return from isSumGreaterThan(); it only returns from the
    # closure we’re passing to forEach. To make that work using functional iteration in Javascript -- or
    # in most true functional languages, for that matter! -- we have to switch from forEach to an
    # entirely different method of Array:
    #   function isSumGreaterThan(array, max) {
    #     let sum = 0;
    #     return array.some((x) => {
    #       sum += x;
    #       return sum > max;
    #     });
    #   }
    # But Ruby doesn’t need a special case, because Ruby’s blocks and procs retain the control flow of
    # their context. Unlike Javascript, a return inside a loop is the same as a return outside one:

    example 15

    def is_sum_greater_than(array, max)
      sum = 0
      array.each do |x|
        sum += x
        return true if sum > max  # returns from is_sum_greater_than, not just the block
      return false

    puts is_sum_greater_than([5, 3, 7], 10)
    puts is_sum_greater_than([5, 3, 7], 20)

    # Control flow constructs like "next" and "break" have the same behavior.
    # THIS is why Ruby has the two superficially similar but fundamentally different constructs of
    # blocks and lambdas. It is a defining feature of the language: blocks and closures, two different
    # forms of code-as-value, existing side by side.

    # (Interestingly, Swift makes a very similar distinction with between @escaping and non-espcaing
    # closures; however, it does not adopt Ruby’s dual control flow behavior.)

    # ---------------------------- Section 4: Closures and Arity ----------------------------

    # The other major distinguishing of different kinds of Ruby closures is how they handle mismatched
    # arity -- in other words, the wrong number of arguments.
    # In addition to "call," every closure has an "arity" method which returns the number of expected
    # arguments:

    example 16

    puts "One-arg lambda:"
    puts (lambda {|x|}.arity)
    puts "Three-arg lambda:"
    puts (lambda {|x,y,z|}.arity)
    puts "No-args lambda: "
    puts (lambda {}.arity)

    # ...with a special case:

    puts "Varargs lambda: "
    puts (lambda {|*args|}.arity)

    # Watch what happens when we call these with the wrong number of arguments:

    example 17

    def call_with_too_many_args(closure)
        puts "closure arity: #{closure.arity}",2,3,4,5,6)
        puts "Too many args worked"
      rescue Exception => e
        puts "Too many args threw exception #{e.class}: #{e}"

    def two_arg_method(x,y)

    puts; puts "proc:"    ; call_with_too_many_args(proc {|x,y|})
    puts; puts "lambda:"  ; call_with_too_many_args(lambda {|x,y|})
    puts; puts "Method:"  ; call_with_too_many_args(method(:two_arg_method))

    def call_with_too_few_args(closure)
        puts "closure arity: #{closure.arity}"
        puts "Too few args worked"
      rescue Exception => e
        puts "Too few args threw exception #{e.class}: #{e}"

    puts; puts "proc:"    ; call_with_too_few_args(proc {|x,y|})
    puts; puts "lambda:"  ; call_with_too_few_args(lambda {|x,y|})
    puts; puts "Method:"  ; call_with_too_few_args(method(:two_arg_method))

    # ---------------------------- Section 5: Rant ----------------------------
    # This is quite a dizzing array of syntactic options, with subtle semantics differences that are not
    # at all obvious, and riddled with minor special cases. It's like a big bear trap from programmers
    # who expect the language to just work.
    # Complex as it is now, the behavior above used to be far more complex, with special cases that were
    # utterly nonsensical.
    # Why are things this way? Because Ruby is:
    #   (1) designed by implementation, and
    #   (2) defined by implementation.
    # The language grows because the Ruby team tacks on cool ideas, without maintaining a real spec
    # apart from CRuby. A spec would make clear the logical structure of the language, and thus help
    # highlight inconsistencies like the ones we've just seen. Instead, little inconsinstencies creep
    # into the language, confuse the crap out of poor souls like me who are trying to learn it, and then
    # get submitted as bug reports. Yes, I know, language design is hard -- but something like this
    # proc/lambda issue or the arity problem wasn't so hard to get right the first time. Yammer yammer.

    # ---------------------------- Section 5a: Counter-Rant ----------------------------
    # When I first wrote this guide in ~2006, the rant above was much more justified because there
    # were all sorts of goofy inconsistencies in the arity behavior and Kernel.proc made lambdas and
    # not procs. The whole thing had a sort of "is anybody paying attention?!" feeling.
    # Well, yes, anybody was. Subsequent releases of the language mopped up the arity inconsistencies,
    # and made "proc" mean proc. Ruby still doesn't have a specification -- but it does have an active
    # community and a willingness to correct its mistakes, and it turns out that's even better.
    # A spec would still be nice though.

    # ---------------------------- Section 6: Summary ----------------------------
    # So, what's the final verdict on those 7 closure-like entities?          
    #                                                  "return" returns from closure
    #                                 True closure?    or declaring context...?       Arity check?
    #                                 ---------------  -----------------------------  ------------
    # 1. block (called with yield)    N                declaring                      no
    # 2. block (&b => f(&b) => yield) N                declaring                      no
    # 3. block (&b =>         Y except return  declaring                      no
    # 4.                     Y except return  declaring                      no
    # 5. proc                         Y except return  declaring                      no
    # 6. lambda                       Y                closure                        yes
    # 7. method                       Y                closure                        yes
    # The things within each of these groups are all semantically identical -- that is, they're
    # different syntaxes for the same semantics:
    #      1. block (called with yield)
    #      2. block (&b  =>  f(&b)  =>  yield)  
    #      -------
    #      3. block (&b  =>
    #      4.  
    #      5. proc
    #      -------
    #      6. lambda    
    #      7. method
    # Or at least, this is how I *think* it is, based on experiment. There's no authoritative answer
    # other than testing the CRuby implementation, because there's no real spec -- see rant above -- so
    # there may be other differences I haven't discovered.
    # The final verdict: Ruby has three types of closures and near-closures, expressible in seven
    # syntactic variants. Not pretty. But you sure sure do cool stuff with them! That's up next....
    # This concludes the "Ruby makes Paul agitated" portion of our broadcast; from here on, it will be
    # the "Ruby is awesome" portion.

    # ---------------------------- Section 7: Doing Something Cool with Closures ----------------------------

    # Let's make a data structure containing all of the Fibonacci numbers. Yes, I said *all* of them.
    # How is this possible? We'll use closures to do lazy evaluation, so that the computer only
    # calculates as much of the list as we ask for.

    # To make this work, we're going to use Lisp-style lists: a list is a recursive data structure with
    # two parts: "first," the next element of the list, and "rest," the remainder of the list.
    # For example, the list of the first three positive integers is [1,[2,[3]]]. Why? Because:
    #   [1,[2,[3]]]     <--- first=1, rest=[2,[3]]
    #      [2,[3]]      <--- first=2, rest=[3]
    #         [3]       <--- first=3, rest=nil
    # Here's a class for traversing such lists:

    example 18

    class LispyEnumerable
      include Enumerable

      def initialize(tree)
        @tree = tree

      def each
        iter = @tree
        until iter.nil?
          first, rest = iter
          yield first
          iter = rest

    list = [1,[2,[3]]] do |x|
      puts x

    # So how to make an infinite list? Instead of making each node in the list a fully built data
    # structure, we'll make it a closure -- and then we won't call that closure until we actually need
    # the value. This applies recursively: the top of the tree is a closure, and its rest is a closure,
    # and the rest's rest is a closure....

    example 19

    class LazyLispyEnumerable
      include Enumerable

      def initialize(tree)
        @tree = tree

      def each
        while @tree
          first,rest =  # <--- @tree is a closure
          yield first
          @tree = rest

    list = lambda{[1, lambda {[2, lambda {[3]}]}]}  # same as above, except we wrap each level in a lambda do |x|
      puts x

    example 20

    # Let's see when each of those blocks gets called:
    list = lambda do
      puts "first lambda called"
      [1, lambda do
        puts "second lambda called"
        [2, lambda do
          puts "third lambda called"

    puts "List created; about to iterate:" do |x|
      puts x

    # Now, because the lambda defers evaluation, we can make an infinite list:

    example 21

    def fibo(a, b)
      lambda { [a, fibo(b,a+b)] }  # <--- this would go into infinite recursion if it weren't in a lambda
    end,1)).each do |x|
      puts x
      break if x > 100  # we don't actually want to print all of the Fibonaccis!

    # This kind of deferred execution is called "lazy evaluation" -- as opposed to the "eager
    # evaluation" we're used to, where we evaluate an expression before passing its value on. (Most
    # languages, including Ruby, use eager evaluation, but there are languages (like Haskell) which use
    # lazy evaluation for everything, by default! This only makes sense in value-typed languages where
    # evaluation order doesn't matter. End aside.)
    # Though cool, this way of implementing lazy evaluation is terribly clunky! We had to write a
    # separate LazyLispyEnumerable that *knows* we're passing it a special lazy data structure. How
    # unsatisfying! Wouldn't it be nice of the lazy evaluation were invisible to callers of the lazy
    # object?
    # As it turns out, we can do this. We'll define a class called "Lazy," which takes a block, turns it
    # into a closure, and holds onto it without immediately calling it. The first time somebody calls a
    # method, we evaluate the closure and then forward the method call on to the closure's result.

    class Lazy
      def initialize(&deferred_value)
        @deferred_value = deferred_value

      def value
        @value ||=

      def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
        value.send(method, *args, &block)

    def lazy(&b) &b

    # This basically allows us to say:
    #   lazy { value }
    # ...and get an object that *looks* exactly like value -- except that value won't be created until
    # the first method call that touches it. It creates a transparent lazy proxy object. Observe:

    example 22

    x = lazy do
      puts "<<< Evaluating lazy value >>>"
      "lazy value"

    puts "x has now been assigned"
    puts "About to call one of x's methods:"
    puts "x.size: #{x.size}"          # <--- .size triggers lazy evaluation
    puts "x.swapcase: #{x.swapcase}"

    # So now, if we define fibo using lazy instead of lambda, it magically works with our original
    # LispyEnumerable -- which has no idea it's dealing with a lazy value!

    example 23

    def fibo(a, b)
      lazy { [a, fibo(b, a + b)] }
    end,1)).each do |x|
      puts x
      break if x > 100  # we don't actually want to print all of the Fibonaccis!

    # Fantastic! We just traversed an infinite list like that's totally a normal thing that people do.
    # And of course it works with finite lists too...right?

    example 24

    def fibo_up_to_max(a, b, max)
      lazy { [a, fibo_up_to_max(b, a + b, max)] if a <= max }

    puts "List created; about to iterate:", 1, 100)).each do |x|
      puts x

    # Wait ... what’s that thing doing at the end there?
    # Well, the thing at end of the list is a lazy nil: fibo_up_to_max always returns a lazy value,
    # and that lazy value happens to be nil when the "if" condition is false.
    # The failure happens when this line of LispyEnumerable encounters that lazy nil:
    #      first, rest = iter
    # Let's zoom in on that:

    example 24

    first, rest = nil
    puts "Regular nil: first=#{first}  rest=#{rest}"

    first, rest = lazy { nil }
    puts "Lazy nil:    first=#{first}  rest=#{rest}"

    # Here's the problem. When we do this:
    #   x,y = z
    # ...Ruby wants to know whether z is an array, like this:
    #   x,y = [0,1]  # x=0, y=1
    # ...or something else:
    #   x,y = 0      # x=0, y=nil
    # So Ruby calls z.respond_to?(:to_ary) to see if z would like to behave as an array. If so, Ruby
    # will do the multiple assignment; if not, it will just set x=z and y=nil.
    # We want our Lazy to forward the respond_to? call to our fibo list. But it doesn't forward it,
    # because we used the method_missing to do the proxying -- and every Object implements respond_to?
    # by default, so the method isn't missing! The respond_to? doesn't get forwarded; instead, out Lazy
    # says "No, I don't respond to to_ary; thanks for asking."
    # The obvious solution would be to forward respond_to? manually, but there’s an even better one.
    # The class called "Object" is not the root of Ruby's type hierarchy. It has a superclass:

    example 26

    p Object.superclass

    # BasicObject implements just the bare minimum of methods, without all the helpful default
    # behaviors of Object. And guess what the "bare minimum" doesn't include? Our friend "respond_to?"!
    # That means that if we make BasicObject the superclass of Lazy, then respond_to? is missing, it
    # will be handled by method_missing, and everything will just work!

    Object.send(:remove_const, :Lazy)  # nixes the previous class declaration

    class Lazy < BasicObject  # <-- the fix
      def initialize(&deferred_value)
        @deferred_value = deferred_value

      def value
        @value ||=

      def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
        value.send(method, *args, &block)

    # And *now* our original Lispy enum will work:

    example 27, 1, 100)).each do |x|
      puts x

    # Our lazy objects aren't quite perfectly invisible. They still, for example, don't behave nicely
    # with ==:

    example 28

    puts lazy { 3 } == 3
    puts 3 == lazy { 3 }

    # Fixing this, and finding the other problems like it, I leave as a vexing exercise for the reader.

    # ---------------------------- Section 8: Wrap-Up ----------------------------

    # So sure, this was all entertaining -- but is it good for anything?
    # Anybody who has ever used Ruby to iterate over a collection, define an ActiveRecord scope, or
    # configure a Sinatra route knows the answer to that.
    # What about the lazy proxies and infinite lists? Are those just toys? Honestly, I'm surprised Ruby
    # projects don't use them more often. Suppose you have a resource-intensive object. Perhaps it
    # requires a network or database call during creation, or it will use a lot of memory once it
    # exists. And suppose that this object may or may not be used, but you don't know at the time it's
    # created whether it ever will be. Making it lazy will prevent it from consuming resources until it
    # needs to, without burdening other code with explicitly bringing it to life.
    # OK, I'll stop making your brain hurt now. Hope this has been a bit enlightening! The experience
    # of working it out certainly was for me.
    # Cheers,
    # Paul